Fine Art Appraisal


Cayman Clevenger, of Louisiana Art, LLC, is a licensed personal property appraiser with the Certified Appraiser's Guild of America. He is the only Attorney in Louisiana who is also a certified fine art appraiser, so he delivers a superior appraisal report based in the law of contracts.

We believe in providing the highest quality appraisal work at an affordable price. We want you to enjoy your artwork for years to come, and a Certified Appraisal allows your artwork to be insured, so it is protected against loss or damage: an all too frequent occurrence along the Gulf Coast.

To begin the appraisal process you may send an email to or call or text  504-875-1803. 

Curriculum Vitae

Cayman Clevenger, J.D., Esq.


Certified Appraisers Guild of America: Certified Personal Property Appraiser; Completed Personal Property Certification Program

SMU Dedman School of Law 2015, Juris Doctorate, Cum LaudeArea of study Transactional and Contract Law

Tulane University, 2012, Bachelor of Arts, Cum Laude;  Relevant coursework includes Fine Art Survey, A History of Art, Visual Communications, with a focus on Louisiana History


Certified Appraisers Guild of America: Member since 2017

Louisiana State Bar Association: Attorney at Law, Licensed to practice Law in the state of Louisiana

New Orleans Metropolitan Association of Realtors: Licensed Real Estate Salesperson


Cayman Clevenger, Art Dealer New Orleans, Louisiana: Art Dealer, Broker & Consultant 2012-Present; acquired, sold, and appraised more than $10 Million in Fine Art.

Art Lawyer, Licensed in Louisiana Assisted with copyright and trademark issues for artists, including James Michalopoulos, Hunt Slonem, and the estates of George Rodrigue and Clementine Hunter. Worked with Andrew LaMar Hopkins on legal issues and gallery negotiations.

Louisiana Art Orleans Gallery, Specializing in Louisiana Fine Art & Appraisal, established in 2012: Representing Louisiana artist, brokering fine Louisiana art, & providing appraisal services

Michalopoulos Gallery, Gallery Director, New Orleans, Louisiana: Gallerist June 2021-2022; Director of Development, in Charge of Charitable Giving and Public Outreach June 2022-2023; Gallery Director 2024-2025.

The Beaudry Gallery, Dallas, TX: Independent art consultant, broker of Fine Louisiana Art, 2014-2019

Chief Operating Officer: Former Chairman of the Board: Louisiana Art Expert: Arts and Culture Editor: The Bayou BriefLocal Nonprofit dedicated to Louisiana art and culture, 2017-2021

In The Gardens Magazine Metairie, LA: Served as Arts and Culture Correspondent for the Old Metairie based printed publication, 2019-2021.

Gallery Art Exhibitions: 

Louisiana State Museum at the Cabildo New Orleans, LA: Loaned 23 pieces of artwork exhibited for Hunt Slonem: A Retrospective. Assisted with publication of the exhibition catalogue, served on the host committee, assisted with fundraising.

Art in Embassy’s Program, US Embassies: assisted local artists in being featured in the Art in Embassies program.

R.W. Norton Art Gallery Creswell Ave, Shreveport, LA: Had Michalopoulos artwork exhibited for “Heart of the Matter,” a Retrospective of James Michalopoulos’ work.

The Hemmerling Gallery Royal Street, New Orleans: Organized a Clementine Hunter exhibit for Dirty Linen Night 2017

The Beaudry Gallery Dragon Street, Dallas, TX: Organized a Charity Fundraiser and Gallery show for works by George Rodrigue.  


Happy: A Colorful Outlook From An Artist’s Perspective: Authored Introduction and Forward to critically acclaimed coffee table book by artist Becky Fos, 2020.

Tulane Magazine: Cover Story May 2020, In the midst of the pandemic: The luminous, fantastical and endlessly fascinating world of Hunt Slonem.

Inside New Orleans Magazine New Orleans Publication: Contributor, October/November 2023 Cover Story, “Vibrant Visions of the Past: Cover Artist Andrew LaMar Hopkins Illuminates Creole Culture.”

Inside Northside Magazine Mandeville and Covington Publication: Contributor, March 2021 Cover Story, “The Magic of Hunt Slonem’s Louisiana.” Authored Cover Stories on George Dunbar, Hunt Slonem, James Michalopoulos, Aron Belka, Terrance Osborne, Gretchen Weller Howard, Melissa Bonin, Alex Beard, Casey Langteau, Rebecca Rebouche, Mary Singleton, and more.

Life Along the Shore Magazine Houston, East Shore, and the Woodlands, Texas Publication: Contributor, January 2021 Cover Story, “The Van Gogh of the Modern South: The Illuminating Works of James Michalopoulos.”

In The Gardens Magazine Old Metairie: Arts and Culture Contributor, Wrote and curated articles on James Michalopoulos, Hunt Slonem, Alex Beard, Ashley Longshore, Tony Bernard, Clementine Hunter, Becky Fos, and other fine artists.

The Bayou Brief New Orleans and Statewide Publication: Wrote and curated articles on fine art and artists and cuisine.


Michalopoulos Foundation: General Counsel, Board Member: 2022-2025, former Board Member, consulted on copyright, legal issues, and real estate. Consulted on matters of artist legacy, intellectual property, cease and desist letters, real estate acquisitions in pursuit of the charity’s cause of providing affordable and sustainable studio space and housing to artists, makers, creators, and culture bearers.

The Bayou Brief: Nonprofit Journalism for Louisiana, Chairman of the Board: June 2017-July 2018; Former Chairman of the board, consulting on liability, handled all fundraising and donor retention

One Man’s Treasure, Charity Fundraiser Coordinator: A Blue Dog Night, August 2017, Planned, organized, and provided George Rodrigue artwork, wrote all promotional materials and press releases, contacted all donors and stakeholders, donated artwork and proceeds, raised funds to help convicted felons reenter society and the workforce